This web site is intended to provide general information only and should not be considered as personal legal advice. This information is provided as a public service and is not intended to offer legal advice or legal opinions regarding your specific issues or facts. Do not assume this general information applies to your specific situation. If you believe that you have a claim, you should promptly consult with a qualified attorney to protect your rights.
Likewise, do not assume that our past settlements and verdicts mean that we will obtain a similar result in your case – each case is different, and results will always vary depending on the facts of each case.
Nothing in this web site should be considered as establishing an attorney-client relationship between you and Madden Law Office. Sending e-mail to our law firm or a request for an initial consultation should also never be considered as creating an attorney-client relationship. If you choose to contact us by e-mail, please remember that internet e-mail is not secure. You should avoid transmitting sensitive or confidential information via e-mail messages. If you want to communicate such information, please call us directly.
Michael V. Madden is the attorney responsible for this web site. Some of the information on the site has been obtained from other sources and we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The materials on this site are intended but not guaranteed to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. If you have any questions or comments about the materials, we welcome your feedback by email, phone or in person at our office during regular business hours.